Tuesday, September 7, 2010

10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips: Today's Tip - FaceBook

Late last year, the website Mashable.com offered up "10 small Business Social Media Marketing Tips", which we're going to be sharing with you over the next several days!

Facebook is by far the largest social network. Nearly 500 million people actively use Facebook, including nearly 1/3 of all American adults. This has huge implications for businesses who want to reach the people FaceBook has attracted to its vast network.

Facebook () offers exceptional, low cost marketing opportunities for small business. Facebook now has over 300 million users, and while that seems like an outrageous number for small businesses to be targeting, Facebook offers a very powerful platform on which to build a presence. If you’re not already active on Facebook; you should get started right away.

Basic Strategy: If you haven’t signed up for Facebook yet, you absolutely should as soon as possible. Once you’ve signed up, you should also consider securing your company’s username. Be aware, however, that if you reserve your company name for your personal account, you won’t be able to use it for your Business Fan Page (more on those in the Advanced Strategy), so you may want to create a Page before registering your company’s name. Fan Pages have special rules regarding usernames, which you can read here.

You should do one other thing: search for your competitors and evaluate their Facebook presence. What types of Pages () have they built? How many fans or “friends” do they have? Spend 15 minutes (per competitor) looking at their posts, photos and/or videos to understand how they’re using Facebook.

Advanced Strategy: You may already have a personal Facebook account, but how do you extend that presence for your business? You have several options. You can register a Business Account – which is designed for a very simple presence on Facebook. There are many limitations on such accounts (read the FAQ here), however, so you’ll most likely prefer to have a Business Fan Page. A Business Fan Page lets you create a page where customers or fans of your business can register as a “fan” — expanding the presence of your business (because your updates will also flow to their pages). You might also want to consider running hyper-local ads on Facebook.

Online Media Interactive can help you manage all of your social networking accounts. For more information on what we offer, visit us at http://www.onlinemediainteractive.com/plans.asp.

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